Leichte Sprache Gebärdensprache Barrierefreiheit


and the General Auction Terms.

Are the successful bidder's personal data subject to data protection?

No. Under §§ 762, 763 of the German Civil Procedure Rules (ZPO) the authorities are obliged to publish the results of any such enforcement measures. That means that in case of bids over 50 Euros the name and the address of a successful bidder need to be documented and can be viewed by any person entitled under §§ 60 of the German Bailiff Act (GVO), 146 no. 1 e German Bailiff Business Directive (GVGA). Furthermore, under certain circumstances the accused person and third parties may be entitled to view the records of the investigation/criminal proceedings (particularly under §§ 147, 406 e, 475 of the German Code of Criminal Procedure (StPO)).
